jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

short story

The wise king

Once there was a wise King everybody loves him because his wisdom but everybody was afraid about his power , in the kingdom existed a well en all people drank of that well including to the King.
One night a witch put seven drops of a mysterious liquid while she said” from this hour he who drinks this water shall become a mad” in the next morning all people had drunk that water and everybody becomes mad except the King and his lord, that day all people were bruiting the King is mad , we can not be ruled by a mad King, then the King and his lord drank of that water and they got mad too but now everybody loves him again.

  •      This story belongs to a social criticism.
  •       Connotative sense: this story show us how every one or every community can create its own reality when everybody got mad they created a new reality and the King did not belong to that reality and he prefered to drink that water to be into people´s reality and to be in harmony again.

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