miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014


   Why do we play the game of “make-believe?
   We play the game of make-believe, that consciously and unconsciously we focus on the story that the artist presents us. Doing our imagination creates or thinks certain people, objects or events that occur in theater, movie or books that we see or read no are reflected and are nonexistent in our own reality.

In what sense the artistic imagination is a window to reality, according to Ryken?

   The artistic imagination is a window to reality in the sense that it helps to understand and interpret the world around us. Simplifying or maximizing features or objects that can be brought from imagination to reality, thus giving birth to a new creation or interpretation of something.

      What is important to your own community today to be considered by current artist?
   For our community today the most important themes are: love, passion and social problem how; health, education and politics, etc.

         If you were an artist… what you would consider to be written about. Why?
   If I were an artist, I would consider to written a novel that include social problems and, a tragically story of love. Because today there are many problems that need attention and this would be one of the most appropriate ways to get people interested and be aware of them.
 I think that the people in our community are more interesting to read this type of novel with a different ending.
      Do you consider yourself a handicapped neighbour or are you the professional imaginator your own community is looking for? Why?

   Because I think not having the necessary imagination required to create large or small pieces of art, like movies, art and books. Also I don´t have the quality to clearly express ideas, thoughts or softy emotions in order to bring awareness and positive or negative changes in the readers or recipients of these pieces of art, they need or would like to have them in the community.

When have you been given “voice, eyes, ears and tactile sense when in front of a piece of art?
   When I was in high school I read the book “Juventud en Extasis” by Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sanchez.  This book excited me deeply because the story is presented in. I felt, I could see the characters as if they really existed, I felt your pain and hear their cries. I was completely immersed in the book that I could see, feel and hear the characters as if his story were mine.

Name three pieces of art which have given you voice, eyes and/ or tactile sense.

·         Book: Verónika decide morír by Paulo Coelho
·         Movie: P.S. I Love You
·         Book: “La casa de los espiritus by Isabel Allende

      What is the sense or meaning of “see” in Conrad´s words?
   The sense or meaning of “see” in Conrad´s words is referring that the artists want that we can “see” the reality that he is imagining or tried to express in his book. Which, I think that includes many problems taken from the reality in which he lives. He want that we “see” the real problems that experience day by day our society.

What is the meaning (not your translation) of Ryken´s words?

   The meaning of the words of Ryken, says that artists want us to be more aware and learn to understand life.

      Which have been “the things” that have awakened you a “wonderfully full, new, and intimate sense of them” when in front of any piece of art? (name three)

  The book  “el niño que enloqueció de amor” by Eduardo Barrios.
This book made me understand life, feelings and thoughts of this child that said being in love with her ​​mother's friend. His obsession was such that I get to go crazy with love.

   The book “Preguntale a Alicia” Anónimo. I could understand the life that had this teenage girl with, low self-esteem and difficulty making friends. Because of this begins to take refuge in drugs to become addicted.

   Movie “the Notebook”, when I saw this movie I could understand the immense love and passion that this couple felt. Enduring problems, diseases and lies to be together. 

           What is the meaning of the words “highly organized version “?

highly organized version  it is the world of literatura this mean that in the world of literatura it is a kind of versión of the real world but in this case people, images are presenting more complicated or more organized to avoid distractions. An example may be “ Don quijote de la mancha”

     Give three examples of a kind of imagined reality or world in a piece of art which is no available in any other way.

·         Hamlet (Shakespeare)
·         “The Persistence of Memory,” (Salvador Dalí)
·         Macbeth (Shakespeare)

      What is, then, the relationship between real wolrd and the imagine one? What is art for, then, if it is no the truth?

·         Exists a relationship between the real Word and the imagine one because the imagined world often must be built with basic terms of the real world after that imagined world is freer to creat anything in this world.

·         Art often is not the truth because art has elements that does not exist in the real world but this does not mean that art makes lies but art just has freedom to recreate the real world.

*Names three pieces of art from which you have received a certain “vision”/ Explain

·         La razón de los amantes, Pablo Simotti: This piece of literature made me feel the vision of the author. I feel connected to the work because I know homosexual people and so I always worry that things like this will happen to them.
·         Todas ibamos hacer reinas, Gabriela Mistral: Gabriel Mistral is from this region, and the poem is about young girls who have big dreams. Gabriela Mistral managed to achieve her dreams, she is incredibly famous in Chile and worldwide and so it makes me believe that I can achieve my dreams!
·         The Diary of Anne Frank: It made me understand the extent to which humans can be cruel, and the resilience that people can show in times of extreme suffering. I saw this clearly from the perspective of Anne Frank who went through this experience.

*Name three pieces of art which have created delight, enjoyment and entertainment to you. Explain why.

  •       El Secreto en sus Ojos
  •        The Shining
  •        Psycho

The way that the director brought the script to life, casted the parts and organised the score gave me so much joy. I love the way that a good director can masterfully bring all the creative elements of a film together to créate a masterpiece. A well constructed film delights me.

* Bring a poem or a short text which has produced those feelings.
 El mañana no le está asegurado a nadie, joven o viejo. Hoy puede ser la última vez que veas a los que amas. Por eso, no esperes más. Hazlo hoy, por si el mañana nunca llega. Seguramente lamentarás el día que no tomaste tiempo para una sonrisa, un abrazo, un beso y que estuviste muy ocupado para concederles un último deseo.

Mantén a los que amas cerca de ti. Diles al oído lo mucho que los necesitas, quiérelos y trátalos bien. Toma tiempo para decirles,”Lo siento,” “Perdóname,” “Por favor,” “Gracias,” y todas las palabras de amor que conozcas.

*Name three pieces of art (bring them to the class) that have deepened and broadened your understanding of yourself or others

La casa de los espiritus, Isabel Allende: I didn’t fully realise the stuggle of the Chilean people during the Pinochet dictatorship until I read
·         Allende’s book. It made me realice how lucky I am to live in Chile now as opposed to in that period.

·         La vida es bella and Child Soldiers would be the other two pieces of art that broand me understanding of other people and the pain and struggle from other countrys.

*Give three complete examples (play, painting and statue) of enlargement of your beings, in Lewis’ sense and explain why these three pieces of work have produced such an enlargement of the sense of reality.

·         Don Quijote de la Mancha: The play is symbolic of the plight that every family goes through when an elderly realtive begins to degenerate mentally. It enlarged my being in the sense that it made me realise from Cervantes’ perspective that it is all too easy to ignore the problem when in fact it is a struggle that every family member must face. 

·         Starry Sky: Van Gough. The artist saw beauty in an everyday thing. He recognised the majesty of the nights sky in a way that others before him had not and through his perspective he made me realise the wonder of everyday things and enlarge my being in that sense.

·         Henry Ford Hospital 1932, Frida Kahlo: Kahlo represented a darker side of being a woman that is not talked about in our society and is essentially taboo. The painting enlarged my being in the sense that I didn’t understand the full implication of woman until Kahlo enlarged my sense of reality as a female.

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