miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Bizarre tradition of Chile

Our opinion about five bizarre traditions
As a group we have chosen the following five most bizarre traditions that regard because each of them is different from the thoughts and ideals that we as people have things. Playing guitar under the fig tree is a tradition that occurs only in the night of San Juan, where if you put under the tree with your guitar learn to play it, what we think is that these are just superstitions perhaps much people believe, but what we see is that if you want to learn to play guitar all you have to do is study and test daily if you want to learn because there is no reward without effort.
Next we consider bizarre tradition is to walk the streets with a suitcase during the New Year's Eve because they say will bring many trips in the future. In our thinking we believe that if you want to travel anywhere in the world all you have to do is work hard and save money to achieve your goals and do not rely on luck. Also consider doing that during the night of New Year's a little dangerous, because the number of robberies violence in the streets.
These two traditions we consider bizarre are "two steps forward, two steps back" and the religious festival held in Salamanca in northern Chile. We as a group we respect the traditions of Easter, but we believe that some are misplaced. We consider these two traditions have no significant meaning behind its realization but experience or create new traditions meaningless.
Finally we chose the "Minga" tradition that takes place in Southern Chile, we find it strange and bizarre to be shifting your home from one place to another and the effort and time required is too. We do not agree with this tradition because we believe that in the process of moving house many times animals are used and as a group we are against animal abuse.

We conclude that the first 4 traditions but are embedded in our culture, so we as a group have little relevance and does not believe that gives us a lot as individuals or as a society. Instead Minga tradition if it has enough cultural contribution because it is embedded in our culture Mapuche, and while we respect culturally, personally disagree with overwork that are given to animals, in this case the cattle.


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